The stamina that this Blush Performance Truck Tire C Ring delivers will leave you pounding your boy’s ass for a long time
- Made from body-safe material
- Super elastic to fit any man of any size
- Will help your stamina and deliver long lasting ejaculations
Slipping this magnificent ring at the base of your penis will prolong your ejaculations and keep you rock hard. The ring is made from super stretchy X5Plus material and will fit even those individuals with large packages. Use your favorite water based lube when slipping this plug to prevent unwanted friction. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or an expert this ring will suit your and will also give you long lasting erections.
The ring will fit comfortably and can withstand vigorous use. The Blush Performance Truck Tire C Ring is sturdy enough to give you a firm grip but flexible enough to fit any size.